Samvidhan Live -The Jagrik Project – Diksha in collaboration with Commutiny- The Youth Collective is implementing this project in Bihar since 2016. This program creates awareness among 250 young people about the rights and duties mentioned in the Indian constitution and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The project encourages youngsters to become active and equal participants in community development.
Jagrik is a wordplay and a concept that combines Jagruk (Awakened and Aware) and Nagrik (Citizen). The Jagriks act as active citizens for the jag (communities). ‘Jagriks’ play this interactive game in pairs over five weeks and undertake tasks which are both self-reflective and social in nature. On completing their weekly tasks, the ‘Jagriks’ come together to share their learnings in weekly meetings called ‘Jamghats’.
Simultaneously ‘Jagriks’ post their experiences and learning through videos, stories and pictures on a dedicated Facebook page ‘Be a Jagrik!’. Adolescents and young people who participate in this journey are called ‘Jagriks’. Over five lakh young citizens across 17 states in India have experienced the journey through on ground and online engagement.
About the Game
As we mark 30 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that guarantees survival, protection, development and participation rights to all adolescents, the need of the hour is to create an enabling environment for adolescents for rightful participation. Based on the time and tested pedagogy of gaming, Samvidhan LIVE! Be a Jagrik facilitates the balancing of the rights and duties through lived action and expression, which can unleash the real potential of adolescents and their communities.
Samvidhan Live! Be a Jagrik journey, UNICEF priorities on Child Rights and adolescent participation have been incorporated. Each Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India has been correlated with a corresponding Child Right under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) allowing for a holistic understanding of the term ‘rights’ in the context of both citizens and individuals. The tasks are layered to encourage adolescents to be able to practice Articles 12 and 15 in the UNCRC, and pertinent issues like child marriage, child labour, health, education, nutrition and hygiene have been addressed.
The toolkit brings in a unique blend of the UNICEF Adolescent framework, The UNCRC, The Constitution of India and the Sustainable Development Goals enabling a nuanced understanding of one’s participation as an equal stakeholder in decisions that impact the self, community and the larger world.
Through this project we have out reached to 30000 adolescents all over Bihar. The toolkit has also been contextualized to layer it with a ‘Child rights and Child protection’ perspective and is premised on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and UNICEF’s Adolescent Participation Framework. We hope to incorporate more attributes in adolescents like Confidence building, Develop communication, Skill Development, Negotiation skills, Decision making skills, Understanding the values of Constitution, Endure difficult circumstances with patience, the importance of Empathy, Justice.
The Jagrik’s Rally
Our Jagruks took out a night rally in the streets of Patna. The rally aimed at drawing the attention of the localities and the authorities towards the fundamental right of Right to Freedom and Right to Equality. The rally led by Maya and Nisha having fifty percent of girls demanded the right to safety on roads at night.
Donate for this project, here.